Stobbart Hall, St Pauls C of E Church
Bushey Hall Road
Bushey, Hertfordshire WD23 2EQ
Telephone: 01923 800570
Email: bushebabes@gmail.com
Our nursery routine
At Bush-E-Babes Nursery School in Bushey, Hertfordshire, we organise the day so that children can take part in a variety of child-chosen and adult-led activities. These take account of children's changing energy levels throughout the day. We cater for children's individual needs for rest and quiet activities during the day. Outdoor activities contribute to children's health, their physical development and their knowledge of the world around them.
The setting's timetable and routines
Our setting believes that care and education are equally important in the experience, which we offer children. The routines and activities that make up the day in our setting are provided in ways that:
help each child to feel that she/he is a valued member of the setting
ensure the safety of each child
help children to gain from the social experience of being part of a group
provide children with opportunities to learn and help them to value learning
Snacks and meals
We make snacks and meals a social activity at which children and adults eat together. We plan the menus for snacks and meals so that we provide the children with healthy and nutritious food. Please tell us about your child's dietary needs and we will plan accordingly.
Water Bottles
Water bottles to be provided by the parent. The water table is accessible throughout the day.
We provide protective clothing, aprons, for the children when they engage in messy activities. We encourage children to gain skills that help them to be independent and look after themselves. These include taking themselves to the toilet and taking off and putting on outdoor clothes. Clothing that is easy for them to manage will enable them to achieve easy removal and easy dressing.